Pelvic Organ Prolapse and Posterior Pelvic Angle – Is Pelvic Alignment important?

Pelvic Organ Prolapse is a condition that can happen to women. It occurs when organs in the pelvis, like the bladder, uterus, or rectum, move from their normal position and bulge into the vagina. It can cause discomfort, pressure, or even pain. Researchers wanted to find out if there was a connection between the position of the pelvis and rectal prolapse.

The study involved two groups of patients. One group had rectal prolapse, and the other group didn’t have any bowel problems. The researchers measured the angle of the pelvis using a special tool called a pelvic goniometer. They put the patients into three categories based on the angle of their pelvis: posterior pelvic tilt, neutral pelvis, or anterior pelvic tilt.

The results showed that patients with rectal prolapse were more likely to have a posterior tilt in their pelvis than those without prolapse. This means that their pelvis was tilted backward. The researchers also found that having a posterior tilt in the pelvis was a significant risk factor for rectal prolapse.

Knowing about the connection between the position of the pelvis and rectal prolapse can help Pelvic Health practitioners better prevent and manage the condition. If you are experiencing symptoms of pelvic organ prolapse, such as a feeling of pressure or bulging sensation in the vagina, it’s important to talk to your doctor to make sure that feeling is a pelvic organ prolapse and then seek help from a Pelvic Health Physio.

It’s important to take care of your pelvic health and talk to your doctor if you have any concerns. Remember that there are ways to manage pelvic organ prolapse, and understanding the risk factors can help with prevention and treatment.


Cantiani, C., Sgamma, D., Grossi, E. et al. Posterior pelvic tilt is a risk factor for rectal prolapse: a propensity score matching analysis. Tech Coloproctol 24, 463–469 (2020).

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